
Please consider joining forces with The Roaring Fork Children’s Fund and become a donor.  We know there are so many wonderful charities in our valley and we want you to know that we are working alongside these organizations to identify needs and fill in the gaps. We have created wonderful partnerships  and have a variety of resources available to children in our community who continue to struggle. 

Our organizations goal is to lend a helping hand to children in need.

Please click the link below if you’d like to join us in our efforts!

Christmas Program

The Roaring Fork Children’s Fund project serves underprivileged children every year to guarantee no child goes without a gift on Christmas.

Each year community members generously step up to provide those gifts, but given the enormity of this task, sometimes we fall short and need the help our fellow community members!

Each year we have approximately 200+ children registered in Carbondale and 200+ children in Glenwood Springs. The annual Sopris Children’s Fund gift drive begins in November and goes through the beginning of December. If you decide to sponsor this very special cause, please donate before December 1st.

Do you want to participate but don’t have time to shop?! No problem click the link below to donate now and we’ll do the shopping for you!

Suggested amount: $35 typically covers one child’s gift.



If you are a business and would like to sponsor:

We could not do the work of Roaring Fork Children’s Fund without some amazing community business and service group sponsors. If your business or service group would like to sponsor our mission to help our valley’s children please consider committing to a yearly donation! We will place your business logo on our website and any marketing materials.

Thank you for your consideration!

Please mail your donation to PO Box 1123, Carbondale, CO 81623. Or click the link to donate.

For sponsorship or donation questions please call or email us!

Lindsay: 970-260-8823
Cresta: 970-456-2064

Questions? Email Us